Did you know we have made-to-order merchandise for sale at Zazzle?

Well, now you do.
What’s that smell? *Sniff* What’s that? Mothballs? Is grampy coming out of retirement?
It took a while to find the time and skills to recover our site content from the script kiddies’ assault that took it down for a long while, but here it is… again… and it’s called… a website. With new improved truly inscrutable passwords. And updates. Automatic ones.
Attempting to forget about their clichéd seasons of mid-careerism and child-rearing, the now officially old folks at Urban Myth are coming out of the closet with a boutique-ful of superb new releases and bonus-laden catalog. Even our first “best of” (by arrangement with Spain’s muy saliente You Are The Cosmos label.)
We admittedly slept on the first few years of the vinyl re-revolution, but we’re jumping on that bandwagon like irony on an sophomore’s reading list!
In any case, welcome back and stroll around the grounds &c. as we keep adding all that fresh new content.
To celebrate our site’s reappearance, here’s a Spotify penny jar, urm, playlist.
Corey Landis has just finished work on Therapy Dog, his fourth long-player for Urban Myth.
Nobody matches pathos, humor, intensity and despair with the loveliest, most melancholic melodies quite like Corey does, and these nine new tunes do not disappoint. Even in this cluttered, post-scarcity world, we think it’s a break-up album for the ages, and one that will warm the cockles of your dear, dark heart with its stunning bitterness and thrilling beauty. This will be UM’s second release on vinyl. (Should we even bother with those CD thingies? Do y’all even still buy those?)
Therapy Dog was written, arranged, recorded, mixed, produced, and — wait for it — performed in its entirety by Corey around his “adopted home town” L.A.
The track listing as we go to press*:
Side A:
Natural Disaster
Everybody’s Leaving Everyone
Therapy Dog
Wrong About Me
Side B:
After The Coffee
Be Nice To Me
Honey, I’m Home
Physical release date and tasty digital morsels coming soon to teh internets near you.
*Not actually going to press in any sense of the word. Not even if you count WordPress. Which you shouldn’t.
Lee Feldman has put the finishing touches on a new record entitled Album No. 4: Trying To Put the Things Together that Never Been Together Before.
HALO, an EP of album and non-album tracks to get your taste buds going hits stores TODAY!
Available from iTunes, Amazon, and the usual download suspects, as well as from Lee’s brand spanking new Bandcamp.
More info as we get it, but for now enjoy the trademark whimsy of Lee’s recording diary videos from his Kickstarter Page. (Lee’s Kickstarter posse raised over $15k to the making of his record!)
Dan Bryk‘s long-delayed, tortured-epic-as-pop-record Pop Psychology is available for streaming and download at downloads.bryk.com RIGHT NOW.
And the REALLY crazy part is, thanks to either the recession, a desire for web 2.0-ness, slavish devotion to Radiohead, submission to the right brain or whatever crazy rationale(s) Mr. Bryk might have up his sleeve, he’s gone and made the entire album available for FREE for a limited time (we’d prefer to think of it as “pay what you can”, which in fact, you very easily may.) Pop Psychology will be available on all normal download services next month, but here’s your chance to listen (and spread the word) early…
Check out today’s delightfully in-depth interview with Amy Allison from the excellent NYC kulturbloggen Lucid Culture: