Lee Feldman marks his return to the venerable studio of New Joisey’s mighty freeform station WFMU this coming Monday.
Lee live on WFMU (91.1 FM)
Irene Trudel’s show
Monday, March 19th
3 – 6 pm
Interwebcast live at www.wfmu.org
WFMU’s website says: Evoking platitudes from reviewers such as, “Harry Nilsson meets Fats Waller,” and “Randy Newman by way of Lou Reed and Paul Simon,” Lee Feldman is a very entertaining singer, pianist, and songwriter. His third album, “I’ve Forgotten Everything” is, according to Stereophile Magazine, “unlike anything else in contemporary pop.” Lee is also the creator of STARBOY, an animated musical about a 2-dimensional superhero who lives with his uncle, a Mathematician. Lee brings his trio to WFMU.
Hell, if we were to write a press release, it would probably go something like that!
(FYI, Dan Bryk’s recent WFMU appearance (on Pseu Braun’s show) has been archived for your listening plaisir here).